is that all youth deserve equal opportunities to be safe, supported, confident, competent, connected, courageous, compassionate and contributing. Our Mission is to engage and empower the youth through sailing and maritime activities to develop their knowledge, skills and social belonging because growing up is tough, growing up as a disadvantaged kid is much tougher.
Founded in 1998, Broad Reach Foundation for Youth Leaders is a registered charity built on partnerships with other youth-serving agencies including sail training providers. Championing diversity, equity and inclusion, we believe that economics should never be a barrier to participation. We are proud to offer a free program for at-risk youth that combines building knowledge, life skills, job training and sailing in a unique setting aboard one of our 24′-40’ sailboats.
Through our Summer Afloat and Winter Ashore activities, youth aged 13-24/29, use sailing as experiential learning to develop leadership, teamwork, and positive work ethic. Youth work on the boats, they serve on the board, and help with events and funding proposals. We are the only charity in Canada where no kid has to pay a penny to participate.
- Fortitude, a Santana 3030GP
- Jilàsi, a Cheoy Lee built, Rhodes offshore 40
- SottoVento, a J105
- Blurrr, a Flying Tiger 10M
- Marilea, the most beautiful Shark on the Great Lakes